Monday, April 26, 2010


Now, I knowwwww that you all know now that my platform as Miss Teen Oklahoma International 2010 is Depression and Suicide Awareness. I feel very strongly about this subject. I am also choosing to add a little bit more to my platform. Introducing: Bullycide.

This Is the bullying of students in schools, that pushes them so far that they feel like they have absolutely no choice except to kill themselves. We need to stop this problem before it is too late. Please join me in making this known and showing that it can be prevented.

Visit this site, and please learn from it. This young man was bullied terribly, and felt he had no other option but to kill himself. But you know who made him feel that way? HIS SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. He told them all about the bullying he received, which was terrible, and HE was punished for it.
Pretty similar to the more current case of Phoebe Prince. Terribly sad, if you ask me.

Help spread this story, and stories like it.
Share my blog and the link to that site.
Thanks for helping my cause!