Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Appearances and Motivation.

Today was another awesome day.

We started out at the Navy Pier, to get on the speed boat, the Sea Dog. SOO fun. What an experience.
Then it was on to the Museum of contemporary Art. Very... Interesting.
Then to the Boys and Girls Club. Soo amazing. Those kids were the SWEETEST thing since chocolate. We had lunch and visited with them all.

We then had a break, and then to rehearsals!! Such amazing people I will be working with this week. I am more amazed everyday by the outpour of love and caring, instead of the nastiness and cattiness. We are all such good friends already. Love me some Teen Nevada!

I also FINALLY met my Miss Oklahoma, Anne Marie Costello. She is such a sweet heart, and I know she will do fabulous this week!!

Tomorrow are the interviews, and mine will be at 1. Keep me in your thoughts, and if you pray, please put me in those to.

God, I ask you to give me the words to speak to the judges tomorrow, to show them my passion and to show them me. Give me the words to show them that if they chose me, I would make them so proud.

--Danelle Cook.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Orientation for Miss Teen International 2010

Hello everyone! This wont be a very long update, but I just wanted to share a couple things.

First, Thanks for all the well-wishes! I am going to do my best to make you all proud this week!

Second, Congratulations to Mrs. Oklahoma Heidi Ducato on being the 1st runner up for the Mrs International pageant last week. That is quite an honor, because EVERY woman competeing in this system is a strong contender.

Third, I will be trying to keep you updated on our adventures throughout the week. It's going to be VERY hectic, so forgive me if they arent very long!
We just got out of orientation and are finished with the activities for the evening. We will have breakfast from 7-8 in the morning then its off to board the bus for the Navy Pier. Should be an awesome day!!
I already met some GREAT girls this evening. I would hate to be a judge because there are so many girls here that are just fabulous. However, I do hope that I will impress the judges enough that they choose me!! :)


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Miss Teen international

Hey everyone!!

Just an update. I will be leaving tomorrow, July 18, for Chicago to compete for the title of Miss Teen international.

All of my hardwork throughout this year will be paid off during this week.

This is going to be and adventure of a lifetime,
And I really hope the judges can see my passion for my platform, as well as my love of serving people.

Wish me lots of luck, and send me all your prayers!

God Bless.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


" The only thing that our hearts are made of are the acts of forgiveness and love, the only thing real when push comes to shove are the acts of forgiveness and love. Cause in the end no one loses or wins. The story begins again and again with forgiveness and lovee"

Yes, this song is by Miley Cyrus.

Yes, I admit, I LOVE her.

This song has been on my mind ALL day. It's kinda deep if you think about it a little.

The story begins and ends with forgiveness and love... or it should. I reallllly think the world now needs some more of those two things. And by NO means am I saying they could fix everything,
But I DO believe they can make people soo much happier.
We ALL have to learn to forgive. And forgive, and forgive, and forgive. Its good for the soul, and I guarantee that if you can try to dig deep in your heart for forgiveness for that oneee person who has hurt the the most in life... it will make YOU happier. Don't do it for them, do it for you. And I know its one of the hardest things to do...
Thats where the love comes in.

Love is the healer of all things. It can make even the hardest, toughest person tender. Love can change you in ways you never expected. So, If you're reading this, my advice for now...

Give LOVE a chance,
It'll change your life. ((:

Monday, April 26, 2010


Now, I knowwwww that you all know now that my platform as Miss Teen Oklahoma International 2010 is Depression and Suicide Awareness. I feel very strongly about this subject. I am also choosing to add a little bit more to my platform. Introducing: Bullycide.

This Is the bullying of students in schools, that pushes them so far that they feel like they have absolutely no choice except to kill themselves. We need to stop this problem before it is too late. Please join me in making this known and showing that it can be prevented.


Visit this site, and please learn from it. This young man was bullied terribly, and felt he had no other option but to kill himself. But you know who made him feel that way? HIS SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. He told them all about the bullying he received, which was terrible, and HE was punished for it.
Pretty similar to the more current case of Phoebe Prince. Terribly sad, if you ask me.

Help spread this story, and stories like it.
Share my blog and the link to that site.
Thanks for helping my cause!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

In Light Of::

In light of the announcement of the 15- year old girl who has committed suicide from South Hadley, Massachusetts, I'd like to talk a little bit more about my platform, Depression and Suicide Awareness, Specifically the suicide part.

Many people have told me lately, wow that must be so hard to talk about! The truth is, it can be at times. I just have to remind myself that I CAN help, and I CAN make a difference. Suicide rates are increasing at alarming rates, and the World Health Organization said that approximately One MILLION people die each year from suicide!!! This is one death every 40 seconds, and it is predicted that by 2020 it will be one every 20 seconds. Suicide is the THIRD leading cause of death in the world among 15-44 year olds!!! In America, it is the THIRD leading cause of death for people ages 15-24.

The thing is, Suicide is one of the most PREVENTABLE causes of death in the WORLD!!! It just takes everyone sharing a little bit of love, and sharing a smile to everyone you see. [:

The young girl, Pheobe Prince, was said to have committed suicide after being BULLIED through text messages, Facebook, and in person. What a tragedy that our young people are so okay with hurting other people, and acting like they don't have feelings. Just because someone is a little different, or does not do things like everyone else, does not give ANYONE the right to make fun of them! These bullying habits are not just a problem in that single Massachusetts school. It is a problem ALL over the country, and even the world.

Just try and compliment people, instead of hurting them. Remeber that saying your mother taught you when you were little?
"If you cant say something NICE, Do NOT say anything at ALL!"
Thats something we ALL need to remember! What good does it do YOU do bring someone else down? It gets no positive results.

Everyone has sad thoughts. Everyone feel angry sometimes. What matters is how we handle those feelings. Get mad! Thats OKAY!! Instead of wanting to hurt yourself, Hit a pillow, or your bed. I personally have to write down my feelings. I journal, and also write songs. They may not be the BEST, but they help me feel better. Listen to some of your favorite music, something upbeat and happy. Talk to your friends, a local youth pastor, counselor. SOMEONE. Just please, Im begging you. Do NOT hurt yourself. It may seem like the answer at the time, but believe me, its not.

Why must some hurt others by "dissing" their clothes or music choices or ethnicity?? Try this for me:: Tomorrow, Find ONE positive thing about every person you talk to. Compliment them on it. See how good it makes YOU feel, and watch their face light up, because you made theirs.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Go Red Days. [:

So, last Thursday and Friday were a BLAST!
Thursday was "Go Red Day at the Capital" We had a proclamation read and got to meet all of the House of Representatives and Senators for Oklahoma.
Friday we went to the new South Oklahoma Heart Hospital for Go Red Day. Such amazing stories from the survivors of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Definitely touched my life.

Remember, February is Heart Health Month! Treat your heart right, because heart health is personal.
Next weekend is the Tulsa Womens Expo! Come by and see the International Pageant girls!

Friday, January 29, 2010


I've been hearing that they are canceling Ugly Betty,
well, rumor or not, I'm going to post something Betty had on her Blog from the last episode...

"I've had to say goobye more times than I've liked,
and no matter how many times we do it, even when its for the greater good,
it still stings. And though we'll never forget what we've given up,
we owe it to ourselves to keep moving forward.
What we can't do is live our lives always afraid of the next goodbye,
because chances are... they're not going to stop.
The trick is to recognize that a goodbye can be a good thing...
when its a chance to start again."

This is true. Sometimes, good byes are a good thing...
sometimes we have to say good bye and move on to find new and better things in our life. We can take from these experiences and learn for the next experience in our life.

But sometimes, a goodbye is more of a see you later. Sometimes you have to say goodbye for a while, and sometimes those goodbyes show you that what you really wanted and needed was the exact thing you said goodbye to...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This Is It.

I thought this was pretty neat. [:

My First Post. [:

So, I'm new to this whole "Blogging" thing,
I hope I'm not TOO bad at it. ;]

Where to start....
My name is Danelle Cook, and I am Miss Teen Oklahoma International 2010. Im pretty proud of it. (: I am almost finished with my senior year of High School, and plan on attending OSU next fall. Go Pokes! I trained for modeling at John Casablancas... good training... not so good at pushing you onto the next step in my personal opinion. Oh well. I competed in my first pageant in June 2007, and fell in love.

Personal stuff:: My daddy died in September 2005 to prostate cancer that he struggled with for three years. He was a vietnam veteran. I am so proud to call him my Daddy. I am verrrrrrryyyy close to my brother, Jeremy, and his wife and daughter. It's just me and my mom in the house, but I'm okay with that. (:

My platform is something very close to my heart. It is "Depression and Suicide Awareness and Prevention." I suffered with mild depression after losing my father, and have seen the many, MANY effects of depression in our society. Suicide is the THIRD leading cause of death in the US between the ages of 18-24. The number one cause of suicide is untreated depression. Depression can also lead to other things, such as self injury and addiction. We live in a difficult world, a broken world, but as it says in the mission statement for To Write Love on Her Arms, "... Everyone can relate to pain, that all of us live with questions, and all of us get stuck in moments. You need to know you're not alone in the places you feel stuck." The first step to recovery is to seek help, but sometimes that is the hardest step to take. My goal as Miss Teen Oklahoma International, and hopefully Miss Teen International, is to let people know that they are not alone, that there is a way out. To let them know that help is available, all they have to do is ask.

Well, I guess that's all folks. [;

I am available for appearances. Simply email me at Nelleh09@sbcglobal.net

And remember, don't give up. [:
