I've been hearing that they are canceling Ugly Betty,
well, rumor or not, I'm going to post something Betty had on her Blog from the last episode...
"I've had to say goobye more times than I've liked,
and no matter how many times we do it, even when its for the greater good,
it still stings. And though we'll never forget what we've given up,
we owe it to ourselves to keep moving forward.
What we can't do is live our lives always afraid of the next goodbye,
because chances are... they're not going to stop.
The trick is to recognize that a goodbye can be a good thing...
when its a chance to start again."
This is true. Sometimes, good byes are a good thing...
sometimes we have to say good bye and move on to find new and better things in our life. We can take from these experiences and learn for the next experience in our life.
But sometimes, a goodbye is more of a see you later. Sometimes you have to say goodbye for a while, and sometimes those goodbyes show you that what you really wanted and needed was the exact thing you said goodbye to...
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